Group Rules
1 Members may discuss concerns regarding their medication but they are always advised to consult their GP, psychiatric nurse or other professionals involved in their care.
2 Prescription drugs must NEVER be exchanged or shared.
3 Members should not attend the meeting under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
4 Members should not be Abusive, Argumentative, Violent or Aggressive in any way. (The leaders reserve the right to ask individuals to leave if this situation occurs)
5 No one member should dominate the meeting and everyone should have the opportunity to talk if they wish to. Likewise members do not have to say anything if they do not want to. All individual rights are respected.
6 What is said in this room stays in this room. Confidentiality MUST always be upheld at all times, except where safety might be compromised. (The leaders reserve the right to contact professionals if the situation warrants it)
7 Each member should respect other members’ opinions (Cultural, Religious, Sexual etc.) Members should not be judgemental in any way.
8 Crude or coarse jokes, remarks, flippant behaviour and swearing excessively are unacceptable in a group situation.
9 Members are asked to respect each other’s privacy especially if telephone numbers/addresses are exchanged. If the group members wish for people to telephone before a given time (e.g. 9pm), this should be respected.
10 Attendance by children is discouraged, but not prohibited.
11 We recognise that SHADE is unable to offer appropriate support for all individuals. If it is felt that SHADE is not meeting the needs of any group member, after discussion with the individual the leaders will offer help to access more appropriate support.
12 Carers/supporters are welcome at the first and second meetings to support the new member.
A copy of the Constitution is available from Committee Members on request.